Sunday 4 August 2013

Species of the Week:Eurasian Lynx

Species of the Week:
Eurasian Lynx(Lynx lynx):

1)It is found in  Europe,Siberia, East and South Asia.

2)It is distinctive from other cats due to it's short tail and long legs.

3) Despite it being listed as "Least Concern"in the IUCN there have been efforts to reintroduce the lynx in areas of Europe and there are other areas where the lynx is protected.

4)Their mating season is from January to April.

5)Gestation lasts from 67 to 74 days and one to four kittens may be born.

6)Their hunting territory is from 40 to 250 km2.

7)Their prey ranges from small to large mammals and birds. Usually smaller mammals are preferred when wolves and other larger predators are around.

8) Eurasian Lynx is a very elusive animal that is rarely seen due to its silent walking, keen senses and the fact that it actively avoids humans.

9)The longest  a lynx has lived in twenty one years in captivity. The maximum age in the wild is unknown due to their elusive nature however lynx reach sexual maturity around the age of two or three so it is estimated that they live around ten to fifteen years.

10)The Lynx Trust UK has submitted a proposal for the lynx reintroduction to Scotland earlier this year. Should the reintroduction be green-lit the United Kingdom will have lynx roaming the wilderness after around 750 years.

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